Laser Tattoo Removal in Columbus, Ohio

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Reverse Aesthetics offers laser tattoo removal in Columbus, Ohio, using the Lutronic Spectra laser to safely and effectively remove unwanted tattoos. Whether you have black or colored ink, our advanced laser technology breaks down the pigment in your skin, allowing your body to gradually eliminate the ink.

The average number of laser tattoo removal sessions is 8, spaced 8 weeks apart with minimal downtime.
The number of sessions and time between sessions are dependent upon size, age, and color of the tattoo.

Pricing varies depending on size, color and age of tattoo, free consultation required to discuss price.
Laser tattoo removal columbus ohio

Benefits of Lutronic Spectra Tattoo Removal

  • Effective for both black and colored ink tattoos
  • Minimal downtime with quick recovery
  • Safe for various skin types
  • Gradual fading for a more natural removal process

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

The laser tattoo removal process uses targeted laser energy to break up tattoo ink into tiny particles. The body’s immune system then naturally removes these particles over time. The number of sessions required varies based on factors like the tattoo’s size, age, and ink color. On average, most patients need about eight sessions spaced eight weeks apart for optimal results.

Book Your Laser Tattoo Removal Today